profawo members benefit from prioritized placement in the familea daycare centers, provided that the registration form is used.
The familea daycare Mittlere Strasse offers 32 childcare places for children from 3 months to 9 years, divided into 3 groups. The individuality of your child is our focus.
The daycareMittlere Strasse offers the children plenty of space to play and linger in a beautiful and "homely" old building. In the various bright and spacious group rooms, the children can immerse themselves in role play, engage in constructive activities, give free rein to their creativity, let off steam in the movement room and much more. The garden invites the children to "Sändele", ride their bikes, climb, etc.
The development of the children is important to us. This is integrated as an integral part of the daily routine within the framework of playful activities (singing, dancing, gymnastics, painting, handicrafts). During these activities, the children should have many experiences of success. In this way, they experience self-efficacy and their self-confidence is strengthened.
The day care centre Mittlere Strasse is surrounded by the Schützenmatt and Kannenfeld parks, the St. Johann playground and Petersplatz. With the good transport connections, we can quickly reach the zoo, Hardwald, Grün 80 and many other destinations.
For further information about the daycare centre familea Mittlere Strasse:
High-quality, pedagogical values and are guided by the methodology of education and learning stories (BULG)
The interests and preferences of the children are the focus and offer plenty of room for development
Location in the immediate vicinity of parks and playgrounds, as well as good transport connections, favor many excursions
Monday - Friday from 6:30 am - 6:30 pm
Tram 3, bus 30 to "Spalentor" stop
The fees are listed in the following table.
The daycare center is closed for the last three weeks of the summer vacations and the week between Christmas and New Year.
For information regarding the holidays, please refer to the website of the respective daycare center.
32 childcare places in 3 groups for children from 3 months to 9 years of age
Subscribe now for a place in the daycare centre familea Mittlere Strasse.
Daycare centre familea Mittlere Strasse
Mittlere Strasse 1
4056 Basel